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Kairos 12 - December  2016

Kairos 13 - December 2017

Retreat Programme

These Jesuit-inspired, student-led retreats for Grade 11 students are a link with the school's Ignatian heritage and an important component in forming leaders and "men for others" with positive relationships with God, family, and neighbour.  Brebeuf College holds two Kairos retreats a year one in the fall and one in the spring. 

If you are interested in attending please see Mr. GregorisMr. Guy, or Mr. Rebello.


About Us

Kairos is a Greek word meaning “the Lord’s time,” and indicates that this retreat is a time apart to listen and respond to God’s voice. Jesuit schools have long been noted for their retreats. They were central to St. Ignatius’s vision of education. He believed that Jesuit schools ought to educate the whole person: body, mind, and soul. We embrace Ignatius’s conviction that God can be found in all things, including the heart and mind of a young man. On Kairos we together explore the questions young men ask. We encourage them to listen to one another, talk openly, and to seek God in themselves, their families, and in one another. Furthermore, Kairos focuses on the Christian call to serve others. It is an important turning point for many young men; it becomes a time to refocus their lives on what matters most.


The particulars of your son’s religious background will certainly shape his experience, but not necessarily define it. While Kairos is rooted in Catholic tradition, it is an ecumenical experience that welcomes all faith backgrounds. The retreat involves several activities and has a basic dynamic of talks on spiritual and social topics, followed by small group discussions. Faculty and administration direct and supervise the retreat, but at its core, Kairos is a student-led program. Our senior leaders give most of the talks and lead the small group discussions. It is a testament to the impact of Kairos that so many “alumni” of the retreat desire to return and lead it for their peers.

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